7501 Adelphi Rd, Hyattsville

MD 20783, United states

301 422-8300

E-mail: rectory@stmarkhyattsville.org

Mon - Fri: 10:00 am - 7:00 pm

Office hours


Amado Dios,

Tu pueblo, convocado en San Marcos humildemente ante tu presencia, unido en oración viene a decirte lo mucho que te amamos y te necesitamos.

Estamos eternamente agradecidos por tu misericordia, por el regalo de la fe y por todas las bendiciones que constantemente derramas sobre nosotros. Hoy te pedimos sabiduría, confianza y coraje para poder ser mejores instrumentos de tu amor.

Ayúdanos, Señor a hacer tu voluntad siempre y así ser mejores administradores de tus dones y talentos. Ayúdanos a mostrar tu amor, generosidad y amistad a aquellos que son diferentes a nosotros y a los más necesitados.

Gracias por los fieles de esta parroquia. Con tu ayuda nosotros abrazamos nuestras dificultades como oportunidades para crecer en cercanía contigo y los hermanos.

Amado Padre, te alabamos y te bendecimos en gratitud al invocar confiadamente el Santo Nombre de tu Hijo Jesús, que vive y reina contigo, en la unidad del Espíritu Santo y es

Dios por los siglos de los siglos. ¡Amén!

Dear God,

We of St. Marks come humbly before you, praying together to tell you how much we love you and need you.

We are forever grateful to you for your mercy, for our faith, and for all our blessings. We especially pray for wisdom, trust and courage to help us be better instruments of your love.

Help each of us, O God, to be open to your will so that we may better serve you as stewards of your gifts and talents.

Help each of us, O God, to be open to your will so that we may better serve you as stewards of your gifts and talents. Help us to show love, generosity, and friendship to those who are different from us and to those in need.

Thank you for the many faithful of our parish. With your help we will embrace our challenges as opportunities to grow closer to you as individuals and as a parish!

O Dear Father, we make a joyful noise of praise and thanksgiving to you as we turn to you, trusting in the Holy Name of Jesus, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God for ever and ever. Amen!

"The life of prayer is to be habitually in the presence of God, thrice Holy, and in communion with Him. This communion of life is always possible because, through Baptism, we have become one being with Christ (cf Rom 6, 5). Prayer is Christian insofar as it is communion with Christ and extends throughout the Church, which is his Body. Its dimensions are those of Christ's Love (cf Eph 3, 18-21) (CCC 2565)